CANNY 5.3 MD1A. High Power Output Channels Driver

General Description

The controller has 2 power outputs with a continuous load current of up to 5A per output and a total load current of up to 10A (25A short-term).

Each power output is equipped with an individual built-in current sensor, automatic protection against overload and overheating. Own sets of registers for reading and writing power outputs allow you to set individual operating modes for them and monitor their status.

The power outputs are powered through separate contacts; the supply voltage of the power outputs may differ from the controller supply voltage and be in the range of 7…18V.

Using High Resolution PWM driver, the power outputs can, independently of each other, operate in pulse width modulator mode. This allows them to generate pulse signals of both negative and positive polarity with a frequency of up to 40 kHz and a resolution of 1 μs.

Note: Using power output channels in high-frequency PWM mode leads to an increase in the temperature of the controller, which, under certain PWM parameters, can cause it to turn off to protect against overheating. For stable operation in these modes, it is necessary to provide additional heat removal from the controller.

Operating time of the controller power channel before thermal protection is triggered (PWM disabled):

Load per channel Operation without heat dissipation Working with passive cooling
5A for a long time for a long time
7.5A 4…5 minutes for a long time
10A 2…3 minutes for a long time

CAUTION HOT! When the controller operates with heavy loads, or in PWM/HF PWM mode, individual internal elements of the controller can heat up to a temperature of more than +100°C. Improper handling of the controller may result in personal injury.

DANGER OF SHORT CIRCUIT AND FIRE! Connect the conductors of the power section to the controller by soldering, and use a wire that matches the characteristics of the connected load. Always use fuses of the correct rating in the controller and load power supply circuits. Do not use wires with damaged insulation. Do not allow moisture or foreign conductive objects to get inside the controller. If necessary, organize sufficient forced heat removal from the power elements of the controller. Do not use a controller that shows signs of damage. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in a short circuit or fire.

Driver registers

The parameters that determine the operating mode and current state of the controller’s power output channels are set for each channel independently of each other. Below is a description of the permissible values ​​of the power output channel driver operation control registers.

Driver control registers.

Configuration and HPO value registers.
Register Expected values
HPO Output Mode Setup Register, High Power Output Channel A
HPO Output Mode Setup Register, High Power Output Channel B
≥ 1 = set up the configuration of the high power output channel of the controller channel in the “ON” and “OFF” states (given the special constant from the named constants list);
0 = transfer the specified channel’s corresponding controller pin to a neutral state. The channel’s status won’t be changeable from the function diagram.
HPO Output Value Register, High Power Output Channel A
HPO Output Value Register, High Power Output Channel B
≥ 1 = set the electric potential specified by this channel’s configuration for status “ON” at the appropriate controller pin;
0 = set the electric potential specified by this channel’s configuration for status “OFF” at the appropriate controller pin.
HPO Overcurrent Protection Threshold for High Power Output Channel A, mA
HPO Overcurrent Protection Threshold for High Power Output Channel B, mA
1…65535 = absolute, measured in milliamps, value of current flowing through the channel, upon reaching which the built-in automatic protection of the controller against overload of the power channel is triggered;
by default, when the register value =0 or >25000, the current is limited to 25A

Note: The output operating voltage on channels “A” and “B” corresponds to the supply voltage of the power part of the controller.

Channel configuration for operating in this mode is determined by a constant that defines a combination of parameters. These parameters determine the electrical potential and current at the channel’s pin in both the “ON” and “OFF” positions.

High power output mode configuration parameters.
Constant Permitted values
Channel type Discrete output.
“ON” Strong VDD; Strong GND; Float.
“OFF” Strong VDD; Strong GND; Float.

These constants are available in the “HPO High Power Output Channel Modes” folder of the CannyLab named constants list.

To set the controller channel to high power output mode, write the constant value corresponding to the selected mode into the channel’s “HPO Output Mode SetupRegister, High Power Output Channel X” register.

The following table describes driver control register return values of the High power output channels.

Return values of the High power output channels.
Register Return values
HPO Overload Register, High Power Output Channel A
HPO Overload Register, High Power Output Channel B
1 = overload of the specified output power channel is detected, automatic overload protection is activated;
0 = overload of the specified output power channel is not detected, the controller is working normally.
HPO Current Sensor Value Register for High Power Output Channel A, mA
HPO Current Sensor Value Register for High Power Output Channel B, mA
0…65535 = sensor current value, measured in milliamps +/-10%;
The most significant bit of the register indicates the direction of the current, the remaining bits of the register indicate the magnitude of the current. Maximum possible absolute current value ~33000 mA


Example 1. High power output operation in discrete mode.

An example of a functional diagram of the high power output operation in discrete mode.

When a positive potential appears and is maintained for 200 ms on channel 8, the positive potential is turned on at high power output channel A, provided that the absolute value of the power output load current does not exceed 2.5A. The activation of the high power output channel is confirmed by the green LED of the controller turning on.

Example 2. High power output operation in HR PWM mode.

An example of a functional diagram of the high power output operation in HR PWM mode.

High power output channel A is configured to operate in positive polarity HR PWM mode with a period of 700 µs. HR PWM fill control is carried out using discrete I/O channel 10. When a positive potential appears and is maintained for 200 ms on channel 10, the filling of the pulse signal at the power output changes. A total of 8 fill values ​​are set, from 0µs to 700µs. Thus, the possibility of stepwise adjustment of the output power on the power channel is realized from 0%, when filling 0 μs, to 100%, when filling 700 μs.