
In the integrated development environment CannyLab, the following converters are implemented:

Symbol Function block name
Icon. Converter 8-to-1: sets the bits in the binary representation of the output value to match the input values
Icon. Converter 16-to-1: sets the bits in the binary representation of the output value to match the input values
Icon. Converter 1-to-8: sets the output values to match the bits of the binary representation of the input value
Icon. Converter 1-to-16: sets the output values to match the bits of the binary representation of the input value
Icon. ASCII to Integer: converts the string representation of a number in a given base 2, 10, or 16 to a numeric value.
Icon. Integer to ASCII: converts a numeric value to a sixteen-character string representation in the specified radix 2, 10, or 16.
Icon. Map: maps (scales) a value from a range of values to a result from a range of results by linear interpolation