Flip-flops / Latches

In the integrated development environment CannyLab, the following types of triggers are implemented:

Symbol Function block name
Icon. SR latch: SET / RESET trigger, with priority of the SET input
Icon. RS latch: SET / RESET trigger, with RESET input priority
Icon. D flip-flop: copies the value of the input D to the output, with E> 0
Icon. T flip-flop:synchronous T-flip-flop: when T> 0, the output switches between T and 0 on each rising edge at input C
Icon. JK flip-flop: synchronous two-stage JK-flip-flop: Output (on the falling edge of C) = J (on the leading edge of C)  ! Output +! K (on the falling edge of C)   Output
Icon. Buffer: copying a value delayed by one program cycle